Monday 4 March 2013

FMP | PT & SPD Yearbook Concepts

Early concepts for potential development and discussion in a group meeting tomorrow, whereupon, we will work towards an initial proposal to present to Programme Leader, Duncan, during our meeting on Wednesday.

Having been tasked within the group to go away and think of potential concepts this evening, I took the initial meeting's conversation on board, and ultimately hope to portray the course with a really distinct and visually communicative concept.



Inspired by the theme of Flower Shows and a respect for the illustrative portrayal of flora and fauna throughout various designers portfolios on the degree programme.
'Best in Show' promotes the achievements, awards, and outstanding talent evident on the course - not only the best designers, but the best printed textiles degree programme.


Showcasing both the artistic, colourful nature of the design work, and the students / alumni of the course.
Although they are all individuals, they are proud to be a unit (tribe)... visually play on the idea of colours (organised accordingly throughout the publication).

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